Sunday, April 25, 2010

the Masters

There are 9 people from different countries and have different characteristics but they have same goal which is to get master in KUNG-FU in China.

The Masters is the story about the uniqueness of those 9 people.

I will start the story by introducing the stars:
1. Gadis (Female) (Mexico) = cruel, heartless, violent, imbalance and lover.
2. Cahaya (Female) (Malaysia) = kind and tomboy
3. Ozi (Female) (Canada) = smelly big toe, loyal and panicker
4. Bedul (Male) (Libanon) = vulnerable
5. Ikhsan (male) (Syria) = religious and dirty minded
6. Gesa (Male) (UK) = dreamer
7. Ali (male) (Yaman) = extremely sensitive but very kind heart
8.Garar (Male) (Indonesia) = extremely unreliable
9.Nusik (male) (Argentina) = extremely unpunctual

to be continue,,,,,,

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm i kinda get the idea of who is who...sial luh jerryyyy.....
